Youth & Family Services in Victoria
Supporting Children, Youth, & Families
Child, Youth and Family services
Creating safe and secure environments for Victoria's children, youth and families underpinned by trauma informed practice.
Every young person deserves to feel safe, to be healthy and to have opportunities in life. Our family services in Victoria help make those things happen. We provide Out of Home Care and In-Home Support as well as emergency and crisis care for young people and their families.
Together with young people and families, we listen, collaborate and create powerful action to transform lives.
We are committed to shaping a more promising tomorrow, transforming lives and creating brighter futures.
Our family services in Victoria looks like:
Out of Home Care
Managing placements and supports that ensure the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable young people.
In-home Care
Supporting families to help their children and young people to remain in their family home.
Tailored Care Packages
A bespoke model of care to help children and young people remain in their home or transition to independent living.
Sarah’s Story
We're here to make a difference in lives.
Our mission is to support children, young people and families, regardless of their living situation, complexity of needs and developmental challenges.
Hear more as ONCALL Chief Operating Officer - Victoria, Toula Moustakas shares Sarah's story.
We step up when others can’t
Because of our expertise in family services across Victoria, we can take on your most challenging cases. We have experience with young people who have:
self-harmed or had suicidal ideation
caused excessive property damage
threatened and/or assaulted carers
been or are affected by drugs
had hospital stays.
Reliable, trustworthy staffing support
With over 25 years of experience, our team has become highly skilled and respected in the field of family services in Victoria.
We are trained in trauma-informed practice, have full understanding of our responsibilities and extensive knowledge of legislative requirements.
Alongside the Victorian Government’s Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, we find placements that ensure the safety and wellbeing of the vulnerable young people we support.
Our Clinical Framework:
We’ve got you covered, 24/7
Your health and welfare are our highest priority.
We operate to clear and transparent audited quality standards, employ cutting-edge training and revolutionary technologies to lead in clinical service excellence.
Be accountable for providing effective guidance & direction to ensure the delivery of high-quality care and improve outcomes.
We are committed to uphold collaborative relationships with all relevant stakeholders to ensure shared responsibilities, knowledge sharing, and joint decision making.
We continuously seek opportunities to ensure the client has access to improved care through innovation and technology.
Performance management and progress is benchmarked and used to manage risk and drive improvement.
We actively ensure organisational priorities are financially and environmentally sustainable.
Robust data is used to inform decision making. All reporting, reviews and decision making is underpinned by transparency and accuracy driven by data.
Make an ON CALL referral today!
Fill out the form below or call the friendly team today.
VIC: 03 9896 2468
QLD: 07 3817 8700